sT. lUKE'S Episcopal Church, Lebanon, PA
sales and events
Current sales:
At various times throughout the year, St. Luke's holds sales or dinners to fund our mission and ministry. From soup in the coldest part of winter to candy eggs to welcome spring, you can usually find something available on this site, so check back often! All events and pickup of sale items are at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 22 S. 6th Street, Lebanon. PA.
View our current sales on the main menu at the top of this page. Unless otherwise stated, all items and tickets must be ordered in advance to reduce waste.
View our current sales on the main menu at the top of this page. Unless otherwise stated, all items and tickets must be ordered in advance to reduce waste.
Holiday Bazaar
For many years, the people of St. Luke's Episcopal Church have hosted a holiday bazaar, deemed by many as one of the best in the Lebanon area. This event takes place on the Saturday before Thanksgiving Day, the same day as the Lebanon Holiday Parade. At the present time we are selling all of our items in person on the day of the sale; no ordering required.
Thank you to everyone who worked to make the 2023 holiday bazaar a success. We had a lovely day and fantastic turnout from the community. There were so many things to purchase and so many free activities that it was a full day for all who participated.
Check back here in the fall of 2024 as we plan our next holiday bazaar!
Thank you to everyone who worked to make the 2023 holiday bazaar a success. We had a lovely day and fantastic turnout from the community. There were so many things to purchase and so many free activities that it was a full day for all who participated.
Check back here in the fall of 2024 as we plan our next holiday bazaar!
About St. Luke's
St. Luke’s is a family church that is inclusive, diverse, and loving. Here is a place to grow, to learn, to share, to worship, to pray, and to love God and one another. We are a downtown church in a rural community and the only Episcopal Church in Lebanon County, PA. St Luke’s has a closely knit congregation that cherishes and preserves its lively history while also gladly welcoming newcomers and visitors. We are fortunate to have a strong mix of families with long lineages as members and also a continually growing list of new members.
If you are interested in more information about the community of St. Luke's Episcopal Church,
please visit our parish website at
please visit our parish website at